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Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 5- update


Craft: I used the blur shape tool to take the balls out of focus, giving them a glowing feel and a less lantern-like look. I also cropped and stretched the background image, and changed the saturation. 

Concept: This image says "dodgeball" better than the last image because she is focused on maneuvering on this crazy game-level where the ground is moving her forward into these stationary glowy balls that are probably dangerous from her position. If she doesn't dodge, they will smack right into her. In a way the concept is about facing fears head-on, cause the game's only fun i you can get to the next level. 

Composition: the composition is pretty much the same, there is an even number of balls  and everything is spaced in a random but symmetrical kind of pose. There is good object balance on the page. I made the colors of the guitar a little brighter because I felt, going with a game theme, some of the best games have bright trippy colors.  

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